Ways to Increase the Energy Efficiency of Your Home
Did you know that making your home energy efficient increases its value? According to one study, making no cost/low cost changes can boost your home’s value $18,000. Why not implement some of the following suggestions to make your home more energy efficient?
1. Lower the thermostat on your water heater a few degrees if your hot tap water is too hot to touch,
2. Check for air leaking around doors. A lot of the air you pay to heat or cool can escape through unsealed doors. Install or replace worn weather stripping. Replace broken or missing storm doors.
3. Close the air vents in rooms not in use. For example, if not using a guest room close the vents and shut the door.
4. Clean your furnace and air conditioner filters and replace regularly. During heavy use periods, replacement is recommended every 30 days.
5. Replace existing insulation. A proper barrier keeps heat and cold from escaping and provides for even temperatures between rooms. The EPA recently reported that proper ceiling insulation may reduce electric bills 20%.
6. Replace old appliances with Energy Star appliances, specifically created to optimize energy consumption. There are many rebates available.
7. Buy new light bulbs. Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent ones.
8. Contact Mass Save and schedule them out to your home. They can recommend and implement energy saving improvements at a much reduced cost.